Eating Seasonally- Winter edition

Eating Seasonally- Winter edition

A new season is here. Winter months can be difficult to eat in season as there tends to be less variety of fruits and vegetables grown. We tend to hibernate and depend on higher carbohydrate vegetables, like sweet potatoes and squash. So listen to your body and eat what nature has provided. Enjoy trying a new vegetable or fruit this season. I’m looking forward to tasting a Salsify (have you tried this?). Citrus fruit is in season, as mother nature knows we need the extra Vitamin C. Vitamin C supports our immune system- which is tested in the winter months during Flu and cold season. So stock up on clementines, oranges and lemons.

One of my favorite tools to use is here. Choose your state, month of the year, and find what is local and in season. Eating seasonally is budget friendly, it is much cheaper to buy organic sweet potatoes when they are in season vs out of season. To learn more about eating in season vs eating locally click here for a short article.

What if you are craving beautiful berries? Stock up on frozen organic berries (plan ahead next year and freeze organic berries when they are in season to use in the winter/off season months).

To download the Eating Seasonally Guide-Winter edition click here

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